Empowering Futures
Your Journey Starts Here

Ambassador College is a leading institution in Australia. We offer a wide array of courses that are designed to foster educational and professional development.

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Discover Our Legacy Commitment to Excellence

With a commitment to quality education and a team of dedicated lecturers, we are your trusted partner on the path to achieving your educational and career goals. Explore our diverse programs and embark on a transformative journey towards success with Ambassador College.

Take the First Step Towards a
Brighter Future with Us

Health & Community Services


Certificate III in Individual Support

CHC33021 Certificate III in Individual Support

Embark on a fulfilling career with Certificate III in Individual Support. This program equips you with the essential skills and knowledge to provide compassionate, high-quality care to the elderly and individuals in need and learn personal care, communication, and support techniques.
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Certificate IV in Ageing Support

CHC43015 Certificate IV in Ageing Support

This comprehensive program offers advanced skills in managing, coordinating, and providing specialized care to the elderly in in residential, home or community based environments. Delve into topics like dementia care, complex needs, and person-centered support.
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Certificate IV in Disability Support

CHC43121 Certificate IV in Disability Support

Discover your path to making a meaningful impact with our Certificate IV in Disability Support. This course equips you with the expertise to empower individuals with disabilities, enhancing their quality of life. Explore disability rights, communication, behavior support, and become a beacon of support and inclusivity.
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Diploma of Community Services

CHC52021 Diploma of Community Services

Elevate your career in the dynamic field of community services with our Diploma of Community Services. Gain expertise in program development, leadership, and advocacy to drive positive social change. Explore topics such as case management, community engagement, and policy development and become a force for transformative impact.
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Diploma of Mental Health

CHC53315 Diploma of Mental Health

The Diploma of Mental Health equips you with comprehensive knowledge and skills to provide vital support, intervention, and advocacy. Be thorough in topics such as mental health assessment, crisis intervention, and recovery-oriented practice.
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Business & Administration


Diploma of Quality Auditing

BSB50920 Diploma of Quality Auditing

Quality auditing ensures businesses meet rigorous standards, boost efficiency, and drive growth. Our comprehensive course covers core principles, risk management, and audit processes, preparing you for a successful career.
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Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

BSB80120 Graduate Diploma of Management (Learning)

This advanced program empowers you with cutting-edge management and leadership skills. Gain expertise in strategic planning, organizational development, and innovative learning strategies. With Ambassador college, unlock a world of opportunities and lead your career to success.
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Discover What Sets Us Apart and Your Path to Excellence.

Unlock your path to success with the skills and expertise gained through Ambassador College. Our commitment to delivering top-tier education and comprehensive training equips you with the knowledge and tools needed to excel in your pathway.

Scholarship Facility

Our commitment to inclusivity and educational excellence means we provide opportunities for deserving students to access financial aid and scholarships, making quality education within reach.

Scholarship Facility

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Excellence in Education

We take immense pride in delivering excellence in education. Our dedicated faculty, cutting-edge curriculum, and unwavering commitment to student success are the cornerstones of our educational approach.

Scholarship Facility

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Partnership with Industry Leaders Enhances Opportunities

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Have You Got Any Questions?
We are always ready to assist you


Zaire Donin


This institute has been a great learning experience. I’ve gained valuable knowledge.

Kaylynn Korsgaard


Enrolling at Ambassador College was one of the best decisions I’ve made in my life. The support and resources provided by the college have been invaluable to my academic and career growth.

Jaydon Press


The education I gained here has opened doors I never thought possible. This institution truly embodies excellence in every aspect of learning.